Teaching Opportunities by Course/Clerkship
NOTE: Lecturers are needed in every course unit and clerkship; however, they are usually invited by the Unit/Theme Leadership or Clerkship Directors.
Essential Principles of Medicine (EPoM)
August – December, Year I
PBL Facilitator
Facilitates a group of approx. 10 students as they “unfold” a case demonstrating the clinical application of the basic science content they are learning in the course; attend weekly briefings, read the PBL case and tutor guide before meeting with students to facilitate the PBL group process; and assess student performance.
Time Commitment: Wednesday & Friday: 8-9:30am Briefings: Wednesday 9:20-10:15am
Biochemistry Small Group Leader
Works with a group of approx. 10 students on the assigned problems sets, focusing the discussion, raising points students may not have considered, making sure all students are involved, and assuring a coherent summary at the end of the discussion; attend faculty briefings.
Time Commitment: 6 sessions, 60-90 minutes.
Histology Lab Instructor
Provides a “mini” lecture to each lab and helps students locate the goal that day on the microscope; attend briefings before each lab.
Time Commitment: 3 labs, 2 hrs per lab
Gross Anatomy Lab Instructor
Answer students’ clinical questions regarding the area of dissection for that particular lab; may prepare a short video clip demonstrating a surgical procedure done in the OR. Faculty are typically attending surgeons/senior residents.
Time Commitment: Each lab typically is 2-1/2 to 3 hrs
Microbiology Lab Instructor
Guides students during their individual ID case and lab exercise designed to identify the presumptive pathogen; becomes familiar with relevant micro-organisms for each lab.
Time Commitment: 2 labs, 2 hrs each
Histopathology Lab Instructor
Facilitates an interactive session, reviewing and expanding upon the pathologic topic of the week utilizing short clinical scenarios, coupled with gross and microscopic images; meets with course director to review subject material and images; reads appropriate text chapter and tutor guide and, if possible, attends the pathology lecture on which lab is based.
Time Commitment: 6 labs, 2 hrs each
Small Group Facilitator: Clinical Skills/Communication Skills
Works with students to provide information/role play/ discussion on topics presented in class and at preceptor’s office; reviews required reading and activities for each weekly session; assesses students’ written observations and completes individual grade forms.
Time Commitment: September – December, 14 sessions x 2-3hrs per session = 28-42 hrs
Office Clinical Preceptor
Provides direct patient contact, history-taking skills, and medical information to students in a one-on-one session; completes written evaluation of student at end of 5 sessions.
Time Commitment: October-December, 5 sessions x 4 hrs per session = 20 hrs
Health, Illness, and Disease (HID) I
January - June, Year I
Clinical Case Discussion Facilitator
Facilitates a group of approx. 10 students as they “unfold” a case demonstrating the clinical application of the basic science content they are learning in the course; attend weekly briefings, read the PBL case and tutor guide before meeting with students, to facilitate the PBL group process, and assess student performance.
Time Commitment: January (Cardiology Unit): 8-9:30am, 2 days weekly for 4 weeks; Days TBD (usually Wednesday & Friday);Briefings: 9:30-10:15 weekly
Small Group Facilitator in either: Pulmonary, Renal, GI, Reproduction, Endocrine or Heme/Oncology
Time Commitment: 1 to 4 (2-hr) session(s) per discipline/Unit
Histopathology Lab Instructor
Facilitates an interactive session, reviewing and expanding upon the pathologic topic of the week utilizing short clinical scenarios, coupled with gross and microscopic images; meet with course director to review subject material and images; tutors expected to read appropriate text chapter and tutor guide and, if possible, attend the pathology lecture on which lab is based.
Time Commitment: 6 labs, 2 hrs each
Pathology Small Group/Lab Instructor
Lead computer-based pathology sessions on clinical cases reflecting normal and abnormal conditions that affect specific organ systems.
Time Commitment: 2-hr labs/small groups; number depends upon module discipline
Small Group Facilitator: Epidemiology/Biostatistics
Works with students to provide information and guidance on topics presented in class and in problem set assignments; reviews assigned readings and weekly activities.
Time Commitment: 2 sessions @ 1.5 hrs per session = 3 hrs
Small Group Facilitator: EBM
Provides information and enhance students’ skills in identifying techniques for question framing, critical appraisal, and database searching essential to the practice of evidence based medicine; reviews student homework and provides grade.
Time Commitment: 3 sessions, @ 2 hrs per session = 6 hours
Office Clinical Preceptor
Provides direct patient contact, history-taking skills, and medical information to students in a one-on-one session; completes written evaluation of student at end of 5 sessions.
Time Commitment: January – March, 5 sessions @ 4 hrs per session = 20 hrs
Physical Diagnosis Tutor Part 1
Provides direct patient contact, history-taking skills, and medical information to students in sessions in hospital with a group of 2-4 students; completes written evaluation of student at end of 4 sessions.
Time Commitment: March-May, 4 sessions @ 3 hrs per session = 12 hours
Physical Diagnosis Tutor Part 2
Provides direct patient contact, history-taking skills, and medical information to students in sessions in hospital with a group of 2-4 students; completes written evaluation of student at end of 4 sessions.
Time Commitment: May-June, 4 sessions @3 hrs per session = 12 hours
Ethics Small Group Facilitator
Works with students to provide information/role play/ discussion on topics presented in class and in readings. The facilitator is asked each week to read the required readings for each session and to review the weekly activities. The facilitator reviews students’ written observations and grades the write ups
Time Commitment: Approximately 3-4 sessions @ 1 hr per session
Public Health Small Group Facilitator
Works with students to provide information/ / discussion on topics presented in class and in readings. The facilitator is asked to keep small group discussion active and provide insight
Time Commitment: Approximately 3 sessions @ 2 hour per session
LEAP (Longitudinal Educational Experience Advancing Patient Partnerships)
September - June, Year I
Sepember - December, Year II
Small Group Faculty Mentor
Provide students with support and guidance about their experiences with their assigned patients; lead monthly seminar groups in which students discuss topics directly related to the health of their patients.
Time Commitment: Monthly Seminar Seminars @ 135 minutes each
Office Hours: 1 hr per month
Curriculum Development Meetings: 30-60 minutes per month
Health, Illness, and Disease (HID) II
September– December, Year II
PBL Facilitator
Facilitates a group of approximately 10 students as they “unfold” a case demonstrating the clinical application of the basic science content they are learning in the course; attend weekly briefings, read the PBL case and tutor guide before meeting with students to facilitate the PBL group process; and assess student performance.
Time Commitment: 2 sessions a week @ 1-1/2 hours per session (specific days and times vary by unit)
Office Clinical Preceptor
Provides direct patient contact, history-taking skills, and medical information to students in a one-on-one session; completes written evaluation of student at end of 7 sessions.
Time Commitment: September – November, 6 sessions @ 4 hrs per session = 24 hrs
Preceptor in Psychopathology Clinic
During sessions in which students interview and observe patients with serious mental illness, instructs students in interview techniques, clinical evaluation of psychopathology, organization and written presentation of clinical information, and diagnostic formulation.
Time Commitment: Tuesday afternoons, September – November (Brain & Behavior unit)
Functional Neuroanatomy Lab Instructor
Facilitate computer-based exercises and small-group tutorials used to convey a three-dimensional perspective of brain structure and its functional correlations
Time Commitment: 2 hrs per lab, September – November (Brain & Behavior unit)
Small Group Facilitator: Mental Status Exam
Works with students to provide information/role play/ discussion on topics presented in class lecture and discussion. The facilitator is asked to review weekly role-play exercises and complete a grade form for each student.
Time Commitment: 4 sessions @ 2 hrs/session = 8 hours (Brain and Behavior unit)
Small Group Tutor in either: Pharmacology, Neuropathology, Neuroradiology, Neuropharmacology, Brain Imaging or Behavioral
Instructs students using various learning modalities (e.g., problem sets, discussion of scientific papers, and computer-based exercises.
Time Commitment: Variable, September – November (Brain & Behavior unit)
Small Group Facilitator in either: Dermatology , Rheumatology or Infectious Disease
Leads discussion of clinical problem-solving sessions in one of the specific disciplines
Time Commitment: 1 to 4 (2-hr) session(s) per discipline/unit
Physiology Lab Instructor
Help students with recording and analyzing ECGs, blood pressures, pulmonary function tests, etc. A faculty briefing is held prior to the lab.
Time Commitment: 2 labs, 1 hour each
Pathology Small Group/Lab Instructor
Leads computer-based pathology sessions on clinical cases reflecting normal and abnormal conditions that affect specific organ systems.
Time Commitment: 2-hour labs/small groups; number depends upon module discipline
Ethics Small Group Facilitator
Works with students to provide information/role play/ discussion on topics presented in class and in readings. The facilitator is asked each week to read the required readings for each session and to review the weekly activities. The facilitator reviews students’ written observations and grades the write ups
Time Commitment: Approximately 3 sessions @ 1 hour per session
Physical Diagnosis of Neurological Disease Instructor
Instructs approximately 30 students in principles and of neurological testing; includes patient presentations and clinical problem-solving sessions on motor, sensory, and visual disorders and instruction in using ophthalmoscope.
Time Commitment: 1 (3)-hr session for 6 weeks Days TBD (Brain & Behavior Unit)
Medicine Clerkship
Small Group Tutor
Leads student discussions of their patients and other topics in internal medicine and may provide opportunities for students to see patients at bedside. Assess students’ formal case presentation and case write-ups.
Time Commitment: 2 hrs per week for 8-week rotation = 16 hours
OATES Communication Workshop Small Group Leader
Facilitates session with standardized patients focused on patient-physician communication
Time Commitment: 4-hrs per 8-week rotation
OSCE Physician Tutor
Helps develop an OSCE focused on history/physical exam and communication skills. Observes students and provides direct feedback
Time Commitment: 4 hrs per 8-week rotation
Neurology Clerkship
Clerkship Tutor
Meets with students to go over cases and teach at the bedside. Reviews topics as they arise.
Time Commitment: 2 hrs per week for the 4-week rotation block
OSCE Facilitator
Observes students performing a focused history and neurological examination on a patient with a neurological chief complaint. Moderates a 1:1 session with a student performing a lumbar puncture on a simulator mannequin.
Time Commitment: 4 hrs per month
Ob/Gyn Clerkship
Small Group Tutor
Facilitates discussion of individual case reviews and various OB/GYN topics; prepares students for shelf.
Time Commitment: 1 hr per week per rotation
PBL Tutor
Facilitates a group of students as they “unfold” 2-3 cases per session demonstrating the clinical application of the content they are learning in the clerkship
Time Commitment: 3 sessions @ 3-4 hours/session per rotation
Oral Examiner
Asks the student clinically relevant questions based on information listed in the student’s patient logs, attempting to assess the student’s knowledge of clinical management.
Time Commitment: 3-4 exams @ 30 min each = up to 2 hrs per rotation
Pediatrics Clerkship
Small Group Tutor
Facilitates case discussions; conducts bedside teaching; reviews write-ups; provides mid-clerkship & ongoing feedback; submits tutor group evaluation (part of final grade)
Time Commitment: 3 hrs per week (18 hours per rotation)
Team-Based-Learning Facilitator
Facilitates TBL discussions
Time Commitment: 90 minutes per rotation, 8 times a year
Conducts simulation and debriefing using high-fidelity equipment
Time Commitment: 90 minutes per rotation, 8 times a year
Communication Workshop Facilitator
Facilitates discussion & feedback on group OSCE / student role plays, 3-5 students per group
Time Commitment: 3 hrs per rotation, 8 times a year = 24 hours
“Physical Exam Boot Camp”: Bedside teaching (3-4 students/ group)
Demonstrates, observes, and provides feedback on bedside teaching
Time Commitment: 60 minutes per rotation, 8 times a year = 8 hours
Primary Care Clerkship
Office Clinical Preceptor
Provides students with direct patient contact, history-taking skills, physical exam skills, and presentation of medical information. Students work more autonomously and can see patients on their own. Then all cases are reviewed with preceptor.
Time Commitment: One 4-hour session per week per 6-week rotation
Psychiatry Clerkship
Interview Class Tutor
Facilitates weekly seminars in which individual students interview a psychiatric patient; evaluates students on interviewing technique, case presentation, and group participation.
Time Commitment: 5 minimum sessions @ 1-1/2 hr per session
Case History Class Tutor
Facilitates weekly discussions of students’ written patient case; evaluates students’ quality of case presentation, written case history, and group participation.
Time Commitment: 5 minimum sessions @ 1-1/2 hr per session
The Areas of Concentration program is an important addition to our new curriculum that spans all four years for every student (starting with the Class of 2018). It provides dedicated time designed to enrich the medical school experience by requiring each student to select an area of interest in which to obtain in-depth knowledge, skills, and scholarly experience, including a required scholarly project during six months of the fourth year. For more information on the program and possible research mentorship opportunities, please visit http://weill.cornell.edu/education/curriculum/aoc.html