Policy and Advocacy Groups

American Medical Association (AMA)

The American Medical Association’s mission is to promote thriving physician practices, improve medical education, and improve health outcomes through multiple mechanisms, including advocacy, research, technology development, and administration. As a chapter of the AMA Medical Student Section, we promote its goals through service, advocacy, and educational seminars. In addition, we play an integral role in guiding the direction of the AMA by proposing new policies that are debated at the biannual AMA House of Delegates. Our members could also represent medical students through various leadership positions in the AMA. 

Community Perspectives in Medicine (CPIM)

Community Perspectives in Medicine (CPIM) is an elective course for first-year medical students that focuses on learning about health disparities while building partnerships with local community-based organizations. CPIM consists of a series of two-hour sessions; the first hour is a conversation with a local organization on challenges their community faces in healthcare settings, and the second hour is a student-only debrief discussion over dinner. This year, CPIM will engage a wide variety of speakers focusing on the following topics: chronic illness, LGBTQ patients, physical disability, immigrants, religious patients, racial/ethnic health disparities, and incarcerated patients. 

Conversations in Medical Ethics

A forum for students to discuss medical ethics literature and review clinical case studies, with case presentations & ethics simulations led by WCM/NYP ethics faculty. Beyond this, relevant societal & ethical issues that relate to the practice of medicine will be discussed informally. 

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) - Open School

The IHI – Open School is a student-run organization, in conjunction with NYP Medicine department residents and faculty, whose primary aim is to foster enthusiasm and interest at Weill Cornell Medicine about the potential for improving healthcare quality and delivery. Learn more by coming to one of our workshop events and look out for communications regarding opportunities to get involved with work and research in healthcare quality improvement.

Medical Students for Choice (MSFC)

Medical Students for Choice is an organization that was founded to address the deficit of abortion education in medical training. MSFC organizes medical students to change institutional policies and broaden opportunities for their fellow students to receive family planning and reproductive health education. This includes hands-on training workshops, panel discussions and talks, educational videos, and remote lectures. 

Students for a National Health Program (SNaHP)

Students for a National Health Program (SNaHP) is the student arm of Physicians for a National Health Program, an organization advocating for a comprehensive single-payer health program in the US. We believe that a single-payer system would allow physicians and the other members of the health care professions to provide better quality care to all people, building a foundation for health justice and equity, while increasing efficiency and dramatically reducing costs. The WCM chapter of SNaHP works to educate ourselves and our peers on the current US healthcare system as well as the single-payer solution and to build support amongst our community for universal healthcare.

Office of Admissions 445 East 69th Street
Room 104
New York, NY 10021 (646) 962-4931 wcmc-admissions@med.cornell.edu

Office of Medical Education 1300 York Avenue, Room C-118 New York, NY 10065 (212) 746-1050